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Hospital Bag Must-Haves for the Mother-to-Be

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We are living in unprecedented times and while mothers-to-be quarantine around the world, they worry about their own health and their baby. If you're packing your hospital bag and wondering what to pack beyond the essentials, we have a few must-haves from our Savvy Sleepers collection that can add more comfort to your stay and help ease some of the anxiety you may be facing as you head to the hospital. Our founder, Dale Janée, shared a few items that were a must-have for her hospital travel bag with the birth of her daughters in Dallas, Texas - most recently in December 2019. These include:
  1. Your own pillowcase. Especially if you have to stay in the hospital a few nights, the crunchy cotton pillowcase can feel stiff and harsh. Our Savvy Sleepers satin pillowcases are ultra-smooth and soothing for skin and you can rest your head knowing it came from your house with your own laundry detergent and scent. The secret pocket is also ideal for a hair tie, earbuds, or these days - a mini Purell.
  1. Luxe Soaps or Body Wash - You need to be careful (depending on your birthing situation), but one of the best feelings after being able to take a shower was having my own luxury soap with my favorite scent to make it feel a bit more like a spa - less like a hospital shower. Grab one of those little bars you may have kept from a hotel stay on a past vacation (when vacations were a reality.)
  1. Scrunchies! Many women don't realize how hot, sweaty and what a true work-out childbirth can be - often with an epidermal all jewelry (metal) must be removed. Having a Savvy Scrunchie on your wrist you can easily throw your hair up in when it's really time to push can make you feel cooler instantly without your hair sticking to your neck. Just like our satin pillowcases, our Savvy Scrunchies are also machine-washable.
  1. The after-outfit. Bring a comfy, very stretchy dress. I say dress because after having my daughter I hated the hospital gown and didn't fit into the clothes I thought I might fit into a day after giving birth. We designed this Savvy LBD (Savvy Little Black Dress) especially for new moms and the straps can be pulled down for nursing.
  1. Snacks! Often moms forgot how hungry they will be after giving birth - especially if you have an epidural and haven't eaten all day. If you give birth in the middle of the night, restaurant take-out might not be an option, so bring some of your favorite high-protein snacks to get you through safely.

 Any items that were a must-have for you?


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